4 Life-Changing Bathroom Safety Tips

 Whether you are old, young, or in-between, the bathroom can be a dangerous place. Any place that combines water, electrical appliances, and bare feet is a place that can create disaster. Don't despair, however. There are some very easy, and very important, bathroom safety tips that can make a huge difference in your bathroom space.

1. Bathroom Safety in the Tub and Shower

The bathtub and shower are inherently slippery places. There are a few key ways to ensure the utmost safety for those who are bathing in this space. Purchase non-slip strips to place in the bath and shower. These are strips that stick to the bottom of the tub and help you to keep your feet from slipping. When you are bathing children, keep your eye on them at all times and stay close enough so that you can touch them. Set your water heater at 120 degrees F or less, or just below the medium setting, to make sure that no one accidentally gets burned.

Finally, purchase bathroom safety bars. While most people assume that grab bars are only for the elderly, they certainly are not. A grab bar secured to the side of the tub or shower helps anyone who is bathing to enter and exit the space carefully and to have a location to grab onto should they begin to slip. Bathroom grab bars are easy to install and they can make a big difference in the safety that you feel while bathing. Make sure to install a real tub grab bar or shower grab bar - neither a towel rack nor a suction grab bar will create the safety that you need.

2. Bathroom Safety on the Floor

Place a bath mat directly outside of the bath and shower. The bath mat should have a non-skid bottom so that you will have a safe place to put your feet when you exit the tub. Install another grab bar on the side of the shower or bathtub, as close to the bath mat as possible. This will allow for great support as you exit the bathing space. Try to keep the bathroom floor as clean and dry as possible to prevent slipping and falling.

3. Bathroom Safety in the Medicine Cabinet

The medicine cabinet is a very dangerous location, especially if you have small children in the house. Make sure that you know which cleaning items and medicines in your bathroom are poisonous. Keep those items out of reach of children either by placing them in high cabinets, or by having a child safety lock on the cabinet. Keep all medicines and cleaning products in their original containers and make sure that they have child safety caps on them.

4. Bathroom Safety with Electrical Appliances

Finally, bathroom locations are places where people can get terrible shocks and can experience electrocution. A few bathroom safety tips can make all the difference with your appliances. Keep all hair dryers, curling irons and electric razors far away from the water, and make sure that they are locked when you are not using them so that children don't have access to them. Always unplug your appliances after using them, and do not leave them in easy reach of children. The bathroom electrical outlet needs to have a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI). This is a piece of bathroom safety equipment that protects you from dangerous shocks when water and electricity come together. Ask an electrician about this important bathroom safety device and have one installed in each bathroom.

It does not take much to create bathroom safety in your house, and it can make all the difference in the lives of your family members. Implementing these safety tips is easy and important. Furthermore, with the purchase of a few bathroom safety equipment items, including bathroom safety bars, non-slip bath mats, cabinet locks and proper electrical outlets, you can ensure a safer environment in the bathroom for everyone.

Romi Sussman has written many articles about bathroom safety and safety in other areas of the home. As the mother of five young boys, she is grateful for her cabinet locks and bathroom safety bars [http://www.grab-bars.net].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2057106
