45+ Best Glass Jars Garden Home Decor Ideas

Nothing could me more exotic than a container garden for nurturing plants and flowers for garden lovers who have a passion for it but lack the space. Designing a pot garden is actually quite simple as various types of pots are easily available. The inside of the home can soon be dotted with these to make for the perfect containers garden.

The first step for designing the jug backyard is regarding the containers. It should be borne in mind that actually anything can be used as an urn for gardening purposes – discarded bathtubs, glass bottles, bowls, washing tubs, barrels, old watering cans and any kind of receptacle made from ceramic or terracotta.

The only conditions are that these should be able to contain the soil, the plants as well as water. It should not have cracks but one drain hole is required. It is no difficult task to drill a hole through the middle. Prior to placing the soil the hole should be covered with potshards or alternatively with gravel to stop the soil from overflowing when the plant is watered.

Using wooden pots for designing these gardens is a great idea. These have to be pre-treated as wood that is rotten will harm the plants and should never be used. The best are either cedar wood or redwood for keeping these gardening plants and vegetables. Boxes or pots made of terracotta give an ethnic touch with designs ranging from the simple to the elaborate full of curves and angles.

While designing these areas one should remember that even simple glass jars with white pebbles or coloured stones will enhance the layout beauty. These will look fantastic sporting tall fronds. Ceramic pots add colour in the designing of container gardens even if these hold only ordinary plants. The appearance of balconies can be heightened with hanging urns holding flowering plants.

There are no limits to ideas in designing these gardens. One can even produce vegetables in pots. Tomatoes are the most popular ones that can be grown in a house garden. It is not difficult to grow although generous doses of sunshine are a must. For indoor gardens the best flowers are periwinkles and snapdragons. These are easy to nurture and will change the look of window sills and verandahs.
